Carnegie Mellon University Board of Trustees Welcomes New Members

At its annual meeting on Saturday, May 11, Carnegie Mellon University’s Board of Trustees(opens in new window) unanimously voted to elect seven new trustees.

Alumni J. Michael McQuade, Brian Olsavsky and KristieAnne Reed were elected voting trustees. Pittsburgh City Council President Daniel Lavelle, alumnae Joanna Lovering and Katherine Kohatsu, and Faculty Senate Chair Lowell J. Taylor were elected ex-officio trustees. In addition, Carnegie Mellon trustee and former chair Jim Rohr(opens in new window) has been elected to emeritus status.

“It was my great honor to witness Jim’s exemplary leadership as chair of the board. He provided an immeasurable benefit to the Carnegie Mellon University community, through his wise counsel and thoughtful mentorship.” said David Coulter(opens in new window), chair of the board. “I join the Tartan community in expressing great appreciation for his contributions to Carnegie Mellon.”

The new trustees begin their term July 1, 2024.