Pranab Mukherjee shares the mantra of success with entrepreneurs and modern innovators


Delhi : Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce in association with Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, and PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry jointly hosted Vimarsh 2019 on February 26. Vimarsh 2019 is the fourth Biennial Convention which held discussions at Transforming India’s Business Landscape, and the Role of Disruptive Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Former President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee was the chief guest of the event, held at Paintal Memorial Golden Jubilee Auditorium, Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, North Campus University of Delhi. Dr. Kavita Sharma, Head and Dean, Dept of Commerce, DU, Shri DK Aggarwal, Senior Vice President, PHDCCI , Mr. Ajay Shankar, Former Secretary, DIPP and Mr. Ramanan Ramanathan, Mission Director, Atal Innovation Mission, Niti Aayog also graced the convention with their presence and shared their insights on role of disruptive innovations and entrepreneurship.

The event started with lighting of the ceremonial lamp by the distinguished guests and welcome address by Dr. Jatinder Bir Singh, Principal , SGGSCC . He said,
” We are privileged to host this event and i am optimistic Vimarsh 2019 will be a able to provide solutions to Entrepreneurs who have come to this Biennial Convention and be a great help them . The one day Biennial Convention has two technical sessions and one plenary session too on various issues of Entrepreneurship.

Speaking about the challenges and suggesting possible remedies to the modern entrepreneurs and innovators, Shri Pranab Mukherjee said,” A successful business and an entrepreneur not only brings a new product and concept in the market but improves all market efficiency. I believe job creation and growth of economy must go hand in hand , otherwise democratic dividend will not be able to provide job to our needy unemployed youth. We need to encourage our young entrepreneurs to come up with their disruptive innovations to solve the problem of unemployment. ” He also urged entrepreneurs and modern innovators to encourage the self employment as a career option to our unemployed people.

Mr. D K Agarwal , Senior VP, PHDCCI , while addressing the gathering, said, ” I am proud that India is the third largest startup hub and we need to provide all facilities and help to our entrepreneurs, which will lead to greater economic growth and also create job opportunities.

Dr. Kawal Gill, convener of Vimarsh 2019, said, ” the concept of disruptive entrepreneurial ecosystem has been attracting significant attention in the areas of entrepreneurship studies, regional studies and economic geography to maintain ecological balance, diversity, resilience and health. Social entrepreneurship, Green entrepreneurship and Women entrepreneurship have emerged as strong forms to reckon with the issues of economic growth and sustainability.

Industry champions such as Mr Anil Gupta (Founder, Connect Ventures India), Ms. Annu Grover , Founder and CEO , Nurturing Green, Ms. Anu Meena, Founder, Agro Wave were the distinguished speakers at the convention. The convention also saw active and fruitful inputs from the world of academics such as Prof K V Bhanu Murthy from DTU, Dr. H K Dangi, Dept of Commerce, DU, Dr. Amit Singh, Associate Professor, DU.