11th Agricultural Census, Revenue officials imparted Training at Ramban



RAMBAN : A training programme on the 11th Agricultural Census (Phase-I) with the reference year 2021-22 was organized in district Ramban by the Office of Financial Commissioner (Rev.) J&K. Scores of Revenue Officers/Officials including Tehsildars, Naib Tehsildars, Girdawars and Patwaries of district Ramban participated in the training.

At the outset, Deputy Director (planning) from the office of the Financial Commissioner(Revenue), J&K Mohammad Farooq Shah welcomed the Participants and highlighted the importance of the scheme. After that the technical team explained all the technicalities of the Scheme with the help of PowerPoint Presentation (PPT).

The training focused mainly on the collection of data on the number of Agricultural Operational Holders, its land utilization, Tenancy status and irrigation facilities available etc.

Agricultural Census is a quinquennial Census that was first launched by the Government of India in the entire country including J&K in the year 1970-71. This Census is conducted in a phased manner and comprises three phases. The first phase of the scheme is based on a complete enumeration study, whereas the other two phases are based on a survey study.

The crux of the scheme lies in knowing about the size of the agricultural holding and the number of operational holders in the state/UT. The Agricultural Census is a large Statistical Operation and the information collected through it is quite significant for policy planners both at the national as well at State/UT level.

The 11th Agriculture Census 2021-22 will chart a new course in data collection and dissemination as the traditional method of using pen and paper would be replaced by Android App and web-based system.