150 potential candidates chosen from 1000 applications for SEEEDS higher education scholarship 2024


Chennai : SEEEDS (Service to Educate, Enrich, and Empower a Dream Society) is happy to inform you that we successfully conducted personal interviews with 150 eligible candidates for SEEEDS higher education scholarship 2024. Our purpose is to assist as many outstanding students from economically weaker sections as possible in achieving their goals in higher education. About 1000 candidates applied for the scholarship. Following rigorous vetting and house verification by all volunteers, we narrowed the eligible candidates to approximately 150 for the interview and scholarship provided to pursue their higher studies in their preferred stream (medicine, engineering, diploma, and arts). We will pay for their tuition and hostel fees, as well as give career assistance, until they find work.

Besides Tamil Nadu, which accounts for most applicants, we received applications from Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana as well. Though there are no quotas for boys and girls, and selection is based solely on merit, 65% of selected students are female, which we are happy about. Thank you to all our students and volunteers for giving up a long weekend for this worthwhile cause.