20th Atma Ram Memorial Lecture delivered by Dr N. Kalaiselvi, Secretary DSIR and Director General, CSIR as part of 73rd Foundation Day Celebration of CSIR-CGCRI

The One Week One Lab programme of CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI), Kolkata concluded with the 73rd Institute Foundation Day celebration on 26.08.2023. This occasion was marked with the 20th Atma Ram Memorial Lecture delivered by Dr (Mrs) N. Kalaiselvi, Secretary DSIR and Director General, CSIR, who was the Chief Guest. She spoke on “SDGs and S&T Opportunities”, wherein she touched upon the alignment of CSIR themes with the SDGs vis-a-vis national mission programmes; the challenges in their implementation and the road ahead for achieving the same. The programme was also associated with felicitating institute staff members / divisions for their performance. Dr S.K. Mishra, Director CSIR-CGCRI welcomed the participants while Dr Debashis Bhattacharjee, Vice President (Technology and R&D) of Tata Steel was present as Guest of Honour besides other dignitaries. Dr Kalaiselvi also opened the Atma Ram Memorial Museum & Archives to public. The museum envisages tracing the technological evolution of ceramics from historic period; and the journey of CSIR and CSIR-CGCRI since inception.