4,000 schools worldwide now accessing FT.com for free through FT Schools Programme

The Financial Times is stepping up its free access programme for students around the world, building on the milestone of reaching more than 4,000 schools now signed up.

Since its launch in 2017, the FT Schools Programme has given 87,000 students free access to the FT’s award-winning journalism. From an initial start in the UK, the programme – which offers free digital access to FT.com to students aged 16-19, their teachers and schools – has expanded to 126 countries. The programme is delivered in partnership with Temasek.

In addition to access to FT.com, students also benefit from a weekly newsletter, a class discussion page on FT.com featuring teacher recommended content, regular competitions, and a personal finance board game. Eighty-five percent of students surveyed said that the FT helps them with their studies.


The FT is also hosting a free webinar on climate change on 1 March and will publish a report on climate change for schools on 19 March.


Andrew Jack, FT global education editor, said: “We are delighted that so many students and teachers are finding the FT valuable to help in their studies and make informed choices about their future.”


Russi Rusev, deputy principal at the Business and Finance High School in Bulgaria, the 4,000th school to register, said: “In our field of work as teachers, it is very important to use high quality and secure information sources like the FT in order to better educate our students. We are very excited about the opportunity that has been given to us by the FT and we are eager to put it to good use.”


Schools with students aged 16-19 years anywhere in the world – and colleges of further education in the UK – are eligible for free access. Visit ft.com/schoolsarefree for more information about how to register your institution.