62 Students and PhD Candidates from Ural Federal University Earn Governor’s Scholarships

36 undergraduate and 26 postgraduate students of the Ural Federal University became winners of the Governor’s Scholarship of the Sverdlovsk Region. They receive financial support for their excellent studies and successful participation in scientific competitions, conferences, and research activities. This year a total of 223 scholarships were awarded: 35 postgraduate students, 120 university students, and 68 college students. Thus, postgraduates are paid 24 thousand rubles, and students of universities and colleges – 18 thousand and 10.8 thousand rubles, respectively. For those who receive the Governor’s Scholarships for the second time, an increasing coefficient of 10 percent is provided, for the third and more times – 20 percent.

For example, Daria Shalina, a student of the GSEM UrFU, received the scholarship for the fourth time. The student works in the project office of one of the development companies in the region and is responsible for the implementation of investment construction projects.

“I received my first Governor’s Scholarship in my second year, after writing several scientific papers. At that time, it was a big breakthrough for me. Since then, I have been writing scientific publications on current topics every year, and participating in scientific competitions and international conferences. At the same time, I apply all my knowledge and research in my work. I am very interested in studying my field at a deep level because I know that it will make me more successful as a specialist,” says Daria Shalina.

On December 6, Alexey Shmykov, the First Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, on behalf of the Head of the Region Yevgeny Kuyvashev, handed over the awards to the scholarship holders.

“We honor the best representatives of the Urals student youth. For more than 20 years the achievements of students and graduates have been rewarded with the Governor’s Scholarship. During this time, more than 11 thousand people have received such support. We will continue this wonderful tradition because investing in our talented, thinking, and active young people is an investment in the future of the Sverdlovsk Region. This is not the first time that many young people have received the Governor’s Scholarship, which confirms that they are focused on the highest results,” Alexey Shmykov pointed out.

Scholarships of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region have been awarded to the best undergraduate and graduate students since 1995.