Ural federal university Research and Education Center Attracted Huge Scientific Potential

The Ural interregional Research and Education Center “Advanced Industrial Technologies and Materials” has a huge scientific potential and can make a significant contribution to the development of industry in the region. This was stated by the Chairman of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Supervisory Board of the Ural Federal University Valery Charushin on the World Science Day for Peace and Development.

On November 9, the call for applications for the federal competition to create a new world-class scientific and educational center in the country was closed. The Ural REC is represented by the Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions. The success in the competition, the results of which will be announced in December, will allow REC to receive federal status and additional funding.

“The changes that are taking place in the Russian system of science and education are aimed at strengthening ties between universities, scientific organizations and industrial partners,” noted Valery Charushin. – Our application unites three regions, a large circle of industrial partners – Roscosmos, Rosatom, Transneft, Rusnano, the largest metallurgical and machine-building enterprises of the country. This is a very powerful application that claims to achieve significant performance.

The economic effect is estimated in dozens of billions of dollars.

“In particular, Charushin gave an example of a project of a rocket and space complex with a recoverable launch vehicle. By 2030, from the launch of such complexes, about 50-70 billion rubles will be received. Another major project is being implemented jointly with the Sinara Group – it is about production technologies for planning, modeling and implementing a fleet of bullet trains (a multi-billion dollar project that requires significant computing resources).“The portfolio of the Ural REC also has the most promising projects in the field of regenerative medicine, the creation of the latest medicines, industrial ecology, etc. And such projects are growing every year. The Ural REC has a huge scientific potential – hundreds of thousands of students, tens of thousands of teachers and scientists, ”said Valery Charushin.

The Ural interregional Research and Education Center “Advanced Industrial Technologies and Materials” was created to combine the potentials of educational and scientific organizations of the real sector of the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions. The Ural Federal University initiated the creation and performs the functions of the project office of the UMNOTs. The idea of creating a research and educational center was supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to UrFU in July 2019.