ETU “LETI”: ETU “LETI” invites students and young researchers to participate in the 9th International Conference “Science: Present and Future.”
Registration for the 9th International Conference “Science: Present and Future” for Students and Young Scientists is open. Every year, master’s students, Ph.D. students, and young researchers from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, and other cities of Russia as well as representatives of the other countries – Mongolia, Syria, Italy, Germany, Algeria, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and others – take part in the conference. Participants present papers at the conference during breakout sessions in various areas.
Main conference topics
Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Technologies Digital and Telecommunications Electronics Electric Drive, Automatics, and Energy Saving Computer Science and Engineering and Control in Technical Systems System Analysis and Information Security Applied Mathematics and Software Engineering Algorithmic Mathematics Mechatronics and Robotics Electronics, Nanomaterials, and Nanotechnologies Instrumentation Technology Biomedical Engineering Linguistics and Intercultural Communication Quality Management Innovations
Why is it worth participating?
There are workshops and roundtable discussions during the conference. Industry and business representatives – potential employers – speak at the conference. Conference proceedings are published in the electronic library eLIBRARY.RU. Extra scores and a good addition to the portfolio upon admission to ETU “LETI.”