Lime-Zaim, an international microloan provider, scales up their business operation by working with Softline’s Dedicated service to increase the productivity of their call center

London: Softline, the global IT services provider for emerging markets, has successfully completed a cloud project with the international microloan provider, Lime-Zaim. The success has ended in Lime-Zaim being able to scale up their business, achieve a stable operation and increase the productivity of their call center.


Lime-Zaim has been doing well on the Russian microfinance market since 2013. Due to the transparency and availability of products, and the adoption of IT technologies to improve the quality of service, the organization is popular with borrowers of all ages.

Actively expanding the boundaries of geographical expansion, Lime-Zaim opened a branch in Poland in 2015, and in South Africa a year later. The organization’s desire to strengthen its positions in Russia and abroad, the constant increase in the number of customers and the volume of processed data required an increase in the productivity of the call center. The existing server equipment was no longer able to handle the growth and satisfy all business needs. To bring customer service to a whole new level, higher computing power was required. Initially, a one-time purchase of equipment was considered, but this option couldn’t deliver on the business objectives, so the management team at Lime-Zaim turned to the option of renting the required resources and tools. At the same time, it was important for the organization to have the server deployed on-premises.

IT specialists of the microloan organization studied the proposals of the main market participants. Softline experts recommended the popular Dedicated service after identified the main customer’s needs which was one of the reasons why Lime-Zaim choose this IT company. After accepting all of the provider’s terms and concluding a three-month hardware lease agreement, the customer received a 14th generation Dell EMC PowerEdge rack server. The solution provides the optimal combination of compute and memory resources with a highly scalable architecture to maximize the performance of a wide range of applications.

By actively using the Dedicated service in their daily operations, the customer has significantly increased the productivity of their call center and has already extended the contract for the entire 2021.

“We are completely satisfied with the solution provided by Softline. It’s fast, reliable, and low-cost. After confirming the high industry expertise of Softline, we look forward to further cooperation. We see a number of advantages for ourselves in this partnership. Softline has representative offices in the cities where Lime-Zaim develops its business. We can call highly qualified experts, and meet with them to discuss the issues that we have at any time. Our plans include virtualization of current processes, and dehardwarization. I am sure that with Softline all our ideas will come true” – Stanislav Samosenko, Head of IP Communications Development and Support at Lime-Zaim. “This was our first project with the Lime-Zaim company. The customer appreciated all the advantages of the Dedicated service and, first of all, its technical capabilities. If necessary, the microloan provider can upgrade the server using our experts. At the request of the customer, we are ready to increase the amount of computing power, increase the performance of individual nodes of the system. Softline has all the resources for this. The Lime-Zaim company has already expressed its intention to continue cooperation with us” – Alina Kruch, the sales manager of the Softline cloud technologies department, about the cooperation with the Lime-Zaim company.

“We already had a server hardware that supported many of the current processes. But when it came to the development of our division and the adoption of new technologies, we realized that the available capacity would not be enough. We needed to expand. In 2020, we decided to launch a robot collector. We knew that it would help us increase repayments and reduce costs. But we were also aware that without Softline’s IT services support, we wouldn’t be able to develop and launch this technology,” explained Samosenko.

Planning to scale the business, the management of the Lime-Zaim company considered different options of increasing the amount of computing power. But they immediately abandoned the idea of buying, because at that moment of uncertainty and with many restrictions still in place because of the coronavirus pandemic, the business was striving to optimize costs. In the customer’s case, the cost of purchasing new equipment would have been colossal. At that point, Softline turned out to be the only IT company that was able to fully satisfy the needs of Lime-Zaim’s call center, offering the most beneficial terms for renting a physical server.

“Softline’s team helped us choose the hardware and promptly provided all the necessary documentation. So, I can only say that what makes the provider’s team stand out is that they have competencies and many years of successful operation in the global IT market which ends up in a successful project,” concludes the Head of IP Communications Development and Support at Lime-Zaim, Stanislav Samosenko.

For this project, Softline has used the capabilities of Dell EMC PowerEdge server which is part of the Dedicated service provided by Softline. The customer has now the opportunity to have flexibly scale resources and has moved from CapEx to OpEx.