ITMO: ITMO.Career: First Open Careers Forum for Prospective ITMO Students

On May 20, ITMO University will host ITMO.Career, an open forum on career prospects that will bring together experts from Unilever, SberBank, JetBrains, T-Systems, Gazprom Neft, and 15 other major Russian companies and prospective employers.

Held for the first time, ITMO.Career aims to help prospective students explore their career options and discover ways to achieve their goals. The forum will include seven different sessions, during which specialists from the country’s largest companies will speak about employment and job opportunities for students of different specializations, as well as explain how to start building a successful career in the first year of studies and what skills and competencies are currently in high demand among employers.

“For many applicants, this will be their first encounter with their potential employers. Therefore, it’s crucial for us to demonstrate all opportunities for professional development available at ITMO and showcase the most prestigious and promising careers. We want students to have a clear vision of their future and the competencies they’ll need to make it come true,” comments Daria Kozlova, the First Vice Rector of ITMO University.

Almost all sessions, except for one, will be devoted to the ITMO’s main fields of study. These are computer technologies and control, translational information technology, physics and engineering, biotechnology and cryogenic systems, technological management and innovation, as well as international development and partnership. Among the speakers will be the heads of the university’s educational programs and research laboratories along with guest experts from, JetBrains, EPAM, Unilever, SberBank, Gazprom Neft, and other leading companies.

Daria Kozlova
Daria Kozlova
Meanwhile, the main session will include presentations by Lubov Soboleva, the commercial director of Habr, who will share the results of its recent IT-brand study; Maria Ososkova, the head of ITMO’s Career Services Center, who will compare students’ career expectations with the employers’ needs; and Anna Stepanova, the head of educational projects at

“Living in a rapidly changing world, today’s students may feel lost when planning their career,” explains Maria Ososkova. “Many experience the so-called fear of missing out: they worry that they’ve already missed an opportunity to master this or that competency. But what’s important is to stay current in your field and activity.

Students must understand that employers value certain skills and experiences. Luckily, there are countless possibilities to gain this experience, sometimes even at the university. Many faculties and programs actively collaborate with in-house labs, research centers, and productions, thus letting students take their first steps on their career ladder. However, although students have no trouble finding answers to these questions, many still don’t take this matter seriously.”

A detailed program and live stream of the main session can be found on the forum’s . Registered participants will have the chanсe to ask questions to the experts. Registration is free and available via through May 20.