UNESCO launches its Internet Universality Indicators in Bahasa Indonesia
According to UNESCO, Internet should be developed based on the universality R.O.A.M. principles, a Rights-based, Open, Accessible Internet governed through Multi-stakeholder cooperation. The R.O.A.M principles are articulated in detail through UNESCO’s Internet Universality ROAM-X Indicators.
Following the launch of UNESCO’s Internet Universality Indicators in English, French, Spanish and Chinese, the publication is now available in Bahasa Indonesia.
UNESCO’s Internet Universality Indicators were first agreed upon by UNESCO Member States in 2015. They are a comprehensive set of indicators meant to assess Internet development by addressing both the challenges and opportunities at the national level according to the R.O.A.M. principles.
The set of 303 indicators, including 109 core ones, aims to assess how well national stakeholders, such as governments, companies and civil society, perform in adhering to the R.O.A.M principles and to a number of 79 cross-cutting indicators relating to gender equality, youth, ethical dimensions and sustainable development.
UNESCO is working with regional, national and international stakeholders to conduct national assessments based on the Indicators framework. As national assessments of Internet development using the Indicators are progressing in 21 countries, including Thailand, Nepal, Pakistan, Uzbekistan in the Asia-Pacific region, the publication aims to facilitate, and foster research and discussions on Internet Universality by Indonesian stakeholders.