Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir Chairs meeting to review covid related situation in Kashmir


SRINAGAR : The Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole today emphasized on making fool-proof preparations to combat predicted 3rd wave of COVID-19 efficiently in Kashmir.

Div Com said this while chairing a meeting of officers to review Covid-19 related situation in Kashmir.

At the outset, Mission Director NHM apprised the chair about the district wise current graph of positive cases, contact tracing, vaccination, declining of positivity rate, management of containment zones and other measures taken to ensure containment of corona virus spread.

Among others the meeting was attended by all Deputy Commissioners and CMOs (through videoconferencing), Director Health, senior doctors, Incharge CCRK and other concerned.

The Div Com stressed to enhance the capacity of oxygen generation and oxygen bed facility at all hospitals for better preparations to combat the third wave of COVID-19 efficiently.

He also said in the course of preparations, a well human resource be kept ready and training of staff be also conducted across Kashmir.

The Div Com further emphasized on bringing behavioural change in the society and all covid related SOPs particularly of wearing masks are followed as a habit to safeguard Valley people from getting infected during the third wave.

During the meeting, the Div Com stressed on intensive contact tracing of positive cases. He also emphasized on rigorous testing and vaccination is conducted in all districts.

He said that Covid-19 related SOPs should be followed in letter and spirit and people should not be allowed to move around public places without mask.