Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: UC Extension Center pays Tribute to Roser Bru

On May 26, the country was marked by farewell to Roser Bru: the outstanding artist who arrived in Chile at the age of 16, aboard the Winnipeg, and in 2015 received the National Prize for Plastic Arts.

After his death, the UC Extension Center wanted to honor the legacy of Bru, who was an academic at the UC School of Art and in 98 years of life built an avant-garde work.

The series Tribute to Roser Bru starts this Monday, July 26, at 7:00 p.m. , with Pablo Chiuminatto-professor of Letters UC- and Isabel Cauas -president of Taller 99- , addressing the memory and graphic work of this artist who arrived in Chile as a refugee from the Spanish Civil War.

“Isabel Cauas collaborated very closely with Roser Bru and I got to know her when I worked in the ’80s at Taller 99, on its re-foundation, when Nemesio Antúnez was returning from exile. We believe that this cycle will be a moment in which we will be able to cross our own experience as visual artists before the work of Bru and the projection that it had and will have as a reference of the arts of the twentieth century in Chile ” , says Pablo Chiuminatto.

The closing of this tribute will be on Monday, August 2, at 7:00 p.m., with a focus on Bru’s pictorial work. The presentation will be led by Claudia Campaña, a professor at the UC School of Art and the author of two books in which she closely interacted with the artist: El arte de la cita. Velázquez in the work of Bru y Cienfuegos (2008) ; Y Roser Bru: a gesture of symmetry (2019).

“The idea is to remember and celebrate the fruitful life of this talented woman. It is an instance to review and disseminate her artistic legacy, considering that she is part of that select group of the only six women who have received, up to now, the National Prize for Plastic Arts in Chile ” , says Claudia Campaña.