RWTH: RWTH in the CEWS university ranking
In the current ranking of the Center of Excellence Woman and
Science (CEWS), RWTH ranks tenth among 66 German universities. The university ranking based on gender equality is published every two years and is based on data from the Federal Statistical Office. Six indicators are taken into account, separated by type of university – universities, technical colleges and administrative colleges as well as artistic universities. Indicators are, for example, the proportion of women among the professorships or among the academic staff. Finally, the universities are classified in the top, middle or bottom group.
RWTH has improved significantly overall, and in 2019 it was still in 22nd place. The Aachen University also does well in comparison with the TU9, the nine leading technical universities, and the universities of excellence, with only the Humboldt University in Berlin achieving a better result. RWTH sees the placement as evidence of the success of its gender equality strategy.