Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: University training in pandemic

“University activities have had to adapt to the health reality during this pandemic. Undoubtedly, the national university system has had a great capacity to react quickly and very efficiently to sanitary restrictions, which meant the implementation of a distance teaching methodology that allowed the delivery of information and knowledge in a quarantine period , restrictions and of great difficulty of movement.

All this has been possible with the great commitment of the professors and with the outstanding effort of the students, who have had to dedicate themselves fully to digital platforms, which undoubtedly generates fatigue and problems of social isolation. Likewise, -and in a very prominent way-, the work of the professionals and administrative personnel has allowed us to keep our houses of higher studies in operation.

“Through virtual platforms, information and knowledge can be delivered, but certainly our students cannot be fully trained” – Rector Ignacio Sánchez.

However, practical teaching, laboratory work, field practices, the relationship and face-to-face contact between students and teachers have not been possible during the most complex stages of this serious pandemic that has affected us. Through virtual platforms, information and knowledge can be delivered, but it certainly cannot be comprehensively trained our students.

To achieve a profound and transformative impact on our young people, it is evident that the university encounter is required, that is, to carry out what we call the true “campus life” that requires personal contact and the university experience. Along with this, practical activities in science, health, technology, art and other disciplines require face-to-face and direct teamwork. This cannot be done by virtual means, it requires talking, looking at each other, meeting in person.

“Due to this understanding, and thanks to a broad collaboration of our university community, -with vaccination rates that exceed 98% coverage and great care for all sanitary measures and capacity within the campus-, we have been able to to resume more than six weeks ago to a second semester in which more than 60% of the students have face-to-face teaching activities of different kinds “- rector Ignacio Sánchez.

Due to this understanding, and thanks to a broad collaboration of our university community, -with vaccination rates that exceed 98% coverage and great care for all health measures and capacity within the campus-, we have been able to resume It has been more than six weeks to a second semester in which more than 60% of the students have face-to-face teaching activities of different kinds. Along with the above, there is a great presence on campus, with sports, cultural, recreational and other activities, which allows them to share with those who develop their university life together.

This face-to-face return will increase in the coming weeks, as we are convinced that it is the necessary way to deliver comprehensive training. In this return, the current and necessary virtual activities are integrated. This is the commitment of the universities to the training of the country’s youth, the best response to face the pandemic as a whole ”.