Durham University: Working locally to connect globally

We value the different experiences and perspectives that staff and students from across the globe bring to our community, creating a diverse and vibrant learning and work environment.

Introducing Durham Global Alliance…

We work closely with partners locally and globally to encourage international travel, exchange and connections. We hope the new Durham Global Alliance (DGA) will help us to do even more.

Launched with Durham County Council, Culture Durham and others, DGA will build on the many connections that already exist by bringing together organisations with a shared commitment to forging international friendships.

Through DGA, partners will be able to coordinate activities more effectively and ensure the best use of combined resources, as well as being able to measure progress more comprehensively.

A warm Durham welcome

DGA was launched at an event at Durham Town Hall on Saturday 16 October, which also allowed the Mayor of Durham, Councillor Arnie Simpson, to formally welcome some of our new international students to Durham.

Our students have many opportunities to experience different cultures, including through celebrations such as Diwali and New Year, student societies and study abroad programmes.

The Times Higher Education recently ranked us among the world’s most international universities – 25th worldwide.

Our work with DGA is being led by Prof Rob Lynes, our Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global), and Fiona O’Caroll, Deputy Head of our International Office.