University of São Paulo: Event explains the role of medical physics in treatments involving radiotherapy

Radiotherapy, a highly complex therapeutic modality, requires a multidisciplinary team to be put into practice efficiently and safely. Among the professionals involved, there is the specialist medical physicist, responsible for performing and supervising procedures that use ionizing radioactivity.

It is in commemoration of the beginning of the graduation in Medical Physics at the Institute of Physics (IF) of USP, and aiming at the dissemination of the role of physics in radiotherapy treatments, that on April 2, at 10:30 am, the project for the extension and dissemination of science Physics for All offers a lecture, aimed at a non-specialist audience.

The presentation will be by Professor Juliana Pavoni, from the Physics Department of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP) at USP, who is a specialist in physics in the field of radiotherapy.