Siberian Federal University: Students of the School of Engineering and Construction became prize-winners of the Olympiad of the Association of Construction Universities

Students of the SibFU School of Engineering and Construction were among the winners of the All-Russian Student Olympiad in the areas of “Organization of Investment and construction activities” (bachelor’s degree) and “Management of Investment and Construction Activities” (Master’s degree).

The event was held from April 25 to 27, 2022 in Penza. The Olympiad is organized by the International Public Organization for the Promotion of Construction Education.

Future constructors from Moscow, Penza, Astrakhan, Izhevsk, Kursk, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Tyumen, Irkutsk, and Yakutsk participated in the Olympiad. The School of Engineering and Construction was represented by a delegation, which included a senior lecturer of the Department of Building Design and Real Estate Expertise Elena Krelina, undergraduate student Regina Filimendikova and a master’s student Nikita Tatarintsev.

The competitive tasks consisted of a block of testing on solving problems and theory issues, as well as presenting a research paper on a relevant problem. Thus, Regina’s research was devoted to the transformation of the development product in projects of integrated development of residential areas (supervisor — Elena Krelina), and Nikita made a forecast of the development of the primary residential real estate market on the example of Krasnoyarsk (supervisor — Valeria Pukhova).

Following the results of the final stage of the Olympiad, students were awarded diplomas of the II degree each in their own nomination. In addition, Nikita Tatarintsev was awarded a diploma in the nomination for the best research report. The jury members noted the high level of research papers, their relevance, as well as the excellent theoretical training of the students and their ability to work with the audience.