RWTH: Teaching and Learning Projects at RWTH Approved for Funding

RWTH has been successful with six individual applications, three collaborative applications, and as a joint partner of a project at the University of Potsdam in a call for proposals in Germany. The “Freiraum 2022” call for applications regarding ideas for teaching and learning came from the Innovation in University Teaching Foundation. RWTH was the most successful university in North Rhine-Westphalia overall in this competition, which saw 204 individual applications approved in Germany and twelve collaborative applications and 45 individual applications approved in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Calls for the “Freiraum” funding line were first announced in 2022. The funding line is intended to promote innovative teaching and learning projects at universities in Germany on an annual basis in the future. The line is not focused on a specific topic and does not receive recommendations from university management because it is intended to provide the freedom for creative ideas to develop and experimental concepts to be tested.

At RWTH, the following projects are now being funded with a total of 2.4 million euros:

Individual Applications

Algorithmic Battle, Henri Lotze/Professor Peter Rossmanith, Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences
ROS-LP Teaching and Programming Platform, Eike Stührenberg/Professor Sigrid Brell-Cokcan, Faculty of Architecture
Harnessing Spatial Data From Geographic Information Systems Using Virtual Reality Scenarios, Richard Gramlich/Professor Heribert Nacken, Faculty of Civil Engineering, and Professor Florian Wellmann, Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering
Supporting Individual Learning Processes and Trajectories by Promoting Action Competencies Across Teaching Units in a Mixed Reality Learning Environment, Dr.-Ing. Christopher Brandl/Professor Verena Nitsch, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Learning by Video – Use of Video, Dr. phil. Katharina Böhnert/Professor Hans-Joachim Jürgens, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Tutorials for the Lecture ‘Introduction to Language Didactics’, Professor Christian Efing, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Collaborative Applications

“Physik.SMART” (joint application with FH Aachen), Professor Heidrun Heinke and Professor Christoph Stampfer, Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences
Additive Reality – Virtual, Hands-on Training in Digital Twins (joint application with FH Aachen), Moritz Kolter/Professor Johannes Schleifenbaum, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
3D Multi-User Hologram Tables for Innovative Teaching in Natural Resource Sciences and Medicine (joint application with Uniklinik RWTH Aachen), Professor Bernd Lottermoser, Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering
Network Partners

Interdisciplinary Teaching in the VR Classroom (partner in this collaborative application led by the University of Potsdam), Professor Ulrik Schroeder, Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences