University of São Paulo: Lack of sex can lead to symptoms of long-term physical and psychological distress


Both lack of sex and sex for those who are not interested are health problems and can affect the mind and body, in addition to causing symptoms of psychological distress. This is what the founder and coordinator of the Study Program in Sexuality at the USP School of Medicine, Carmita Abdo, tells the Jornal da USP no Ar 1st Edition .

A portion of the population suffers from the issue of sexual continence. These are individuals who are “completely disinterested or very little interested”, who have these symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances, such as a lack of sex and thyroid hormones, and are affected by diabetes or depression.

In other cases, these people may feel personally uncomfortable, or find it difficult to find partners. The professor emphasizes that “we cannot consider these individuals as problematic”, since the lack of sex in these cases may cause almost no discomfort or discomfort. And she says that even those who live in stable unions can suffer from the withdrawal and lack of sexual intercourse. In such cases, the libido is directed towards other “activities”.

Effects of the pandemic
The pandemic also ended up making sexual relationships more difficult: “The lack of opportunity in the pandemic led many people to start a virtual activity”, adds Carmita, mentioning that the dynamics of sexual activity changes over time. In addition, care for certain regions of the body, secretions and distancing recommendations during the pandemic impacted the way people interacted.

She points out that the lack of sex is felt more by young people, since the “sexual frequency is much higher among those who are 18, 20 and 22 years old”. And, as sex involves the release of a series of positive substances and the “sense of exchange”, this absence is felt on emotional and biological levels. The main symptoms are a state of irritability and depression, in addition to a drop in immunity. “Sex brings benefits if it is satisfactory for both sides”, as Carmita Abdo points out, and for all these symptoms there is treatment for lack of desire, premature ejaculation or pain during intercourse.