Technical University of Denmark: DTU students took part in Copenhagen Pride


At DTU, a study and work environment that is based on inclusion is a priority. Everyone should feel valued for their contribution to the organization, and all students and staff are expected to collaborate on the basis of mutual respect.

“At DTU, we always look for new and better technologies and we educate engineers who can help create a sustainable future for both the planet and its people,” says Provost at DTU, Rasmus Larsen.

“As researchers and engineers who create technology for people, we must constantly challenge prejudices and be aware of our blind spots. We must constantly remove barriers that hinder an inclusive study and work environment—barriers like prejudice and blindness to discrimination. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are fundamental principles at DTU. Copenhagen Pride celebrates and opens everyone’s eyes to diversity.”

We must constantly remove barriers that hinder an inclusive study and work environment – barriers like prejudice and blindness to discrimination.
DTU’s participation in the parade is organized by DTU’s student association, PF – Polyteknisk Forening and is supported by DTU. All students and staff are invited to participate. This year DTU had 100 places in the parade.

“The most important thing is that, after Pride week in Copenhagen is over, we don’t forget the fight for LGBTQ+ rights and welfare. The university and the student association are responsible for remembering this all year round,” says Coordinator of Social Politics at PF, Michella Ravn Søndergaard:

“An engineer today is not necessarily a cis, white, heterosexual man. We must have an environment where factors such as gender, skin colour and sexuality do not affect the professional outcome or social inclusion during the study period at DTU.”

Inclusion is more than gender, equality, or nationality
At DTU, we believe diversity, equity, and inclusion is about much more than gender, equality or nationality. Therefore, DTU has chosen to expand the plan to encompass diversity, equity, and inclusion as a whole.

The programme is organized as an umbrella programme designed to ensure close coordination of efforts and learnings across the organization.

DTU has also established Forum for Diversity and Inclusion with a broader group of committed staff and students who wish to contribute to the diversity and inclusion efforts at DTU. It is a cross-departmental forum for discussions to support the Executive Board’s need for competent feedback and inspiration on diversity and inclusion.

DTU’s Provost chairs the forum. Members include heads of departments, professors, post-docs, PhD students, technical and administrative employees, and representatives from PF.