SPbPU: Polytechnic University Digital Library is in the top 3 of the best university repositories in Russia


The results of the TRANSPARENT RANKING: Institutional Repositories by Google Scholar, which included 3,903 institutional repositories worldwide, are published. SPbPU digital library was ranked third among Russian colleges and 62nd in the world list, climbing one step up.

In the overall ranking among all types of repositories, the Polytechnic University Digital Library ranks 74th out of 4039.

SPbPU Digital Library provides users with information of scientific and educational nature and preserves the historical heritage of the university. Users can access the academic literature, author’s abstracts and dissertations, scientific monographs and articles from periodicals, conference materials and documents on the university history.

Every year the statistics of using the repository resources is increasing due to the convenience of the service, the quality of the materials presented and the demand for the subjects of the posted files. The number of electronic documents in the public access for 2022 increased from 44000 to 45600 copies, and they were used 1,408,071 times.