University of São Paulo: Frequency of physical activity may be more important than quantity, study reveals


In a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports , scientists at Edith Cowan University in Australia, in partnership with two Japanese universities, indicated that moderate-intensity physical activities, if practiced daily, can be beneficial for muscle strength. .

During the work, researchers analyzed three groups of participants. Over four weeks, resistance exercises were performed on the arm in eccentric contraction, that is, when the muscle is lengthening; in this case, lowering a heavy dumbbell in a barbell curl. “One group had 30 contractions on a single day a week and another group had the same contractions five times a week. They observed that those who shared these contractions throughout the week, in addition to the increase in thickness, had an increase in muscle strength of around 10%”, explains Tiago Fernandes, professor and researcher at the Escola de Educação Física e Esporte (EEFE) at USP.

Professional focused on exercise biochemistry and molecular biology, Fernandes explains that muscles need rest to improve their strength and muscle mass. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt intervals between physical activities so that they are effective, based on the principles of physical training. “If we do all the repetitions just once a week, our system doesn’t understand that that adaptation will promote functional feats in our body. So, generally, the organism is stimulated in a systemic way. This is linked to a recovery period in which the system is able to recover, on average from 24 to 48 hours, to generate a new stimulus”, she points out.

The researcher also highlights that research like this is necessary to understand the importance of exercise as a factor directly related to improving our health and quality of life. “Physical exercise, performed over the years, is capable of reducing various disease conditions, obesity rates and, consequently, accumulation in the fat room in our main arteries of the heart, preventing the establishment of atheromatous plaques, heart attack person and improving diabetes levels”, he says.

From this discovery, it will be possible to deepen investigations related to well-being and the practice of exercise as a daily activity, instead of a weekly goal of once a week, for example. “You should start exercising today, don’t leave it for tomorrow. Any time in motion counts, because motion is life”, concludes the professor.