Aston University: Aston University expert to join panel discussion hosted by The Independent on how to heal the NHS


Dr Alexis Paton, director of the Centre for Health and Society at Aston University, will be joining a panel of experts to examine how to secure the future of the UK’s health system at an on online event on 27 October at 18.30 BST.

How to heal the NHS – is the Independent’s latest panel discussion in its virtual event series. It will be chaired by health correspondent Rebecca Thomas and the panel will also include Hannah Barham-Brown, a GP and deputy leader of the Women’s Equality Party, and Dr Suzanne Tyler the Royal College of Midwives executive director.

Participants will have the opportunity to listen to the experts speaking exclusively with The Independent on this topic and have the chance to ask them a question either pre-submitted ahead of the event or during it using the Q&A box on Zoom.

Dr Alexis Paton, director of the Centre for Health and Society, Aston University said:

“The concerns about the state and stability of the NHS were deeply entrenched before 2020 and then of course the pandemic hit.

“The additional pressures and longer waiting times for appointments and treatment have only grown following a time when NHS staff have experienced stresses like they never have before. The situation has led to increased fears of privatisation and increasing staff shortages.

“I welcome this opportunity to contribute to a debate about such a vitally important topic.”