University of Sydney: Joint PhD allows research students to work across Sydney and Paris


A new agreement between the University of Sydney and Sorbonne University will give doctoral candidates the opportunity to undertake a joint PhD delivered by both institutions.

Candidates will travel between Sydney and Paris, working under the supervision of academics from each institution. The initial intake of candidates, expected to commence in early 2023, will focus on disciplines within science, particularly physics, mathematics and the environment.

The University of Sydney will create a new travel scholarship to provide financial support for PhD students travelling to Paris under the program. Eligible PhD students will receive a $5000 scholarship for travel and accommodation costs.

Professor Mark Scott and Dr Guillaume Fiquet

The joint PhD agreement was signed by the University of Sydney’s Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Mark Scott, and Sorbonne University’s Vice-President for International, Regional and Socioeconomic Partnerships, Dr Guillaume Fiquet, on 11 October in New York, where both institutions are participating in the Times Higher Education World Academic Summit.

Professor Scott said the partnership reflected the University’s commitment to offering life-changing opportunities to students and tackling global challenges through collaborative research.

“We’re delighted to be working with Sorbonne University to give research students the chance to work internationally and develop global networks,” he said.

“This agreement will give talented doctoral candidates the benefit of joint supervision from experts across two leading institutions, as well as the kind of immersive international experience that can shape careers and change lives.”

Dr Fiquet said: “The creation of joint PhD programs in highly impactful areas with the University of Sydney is an integral part of building on our shared expertise.”

The joint PhD agreement builds on an existing partnership between the universities, including a long-running student exchange program and research collaborations across a range of disciplines. Collaborative workshops have brought together researchers focused on materials science and quantum artificial intelligence. Future workshops may explore research areas including sustainability, musicology and medicine.