Monash University: Enterprise Agreement for academic and professional staff


Enterprise bargaining for a new Monash University Enterprise Agreement for academic and professional staff commenced in October, 2022.

Enterprise bargaining is an important process for seeking agreement between the University and staff on terms and conditions of employment. We aim to work with the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU), to achieve a fair, transparent and sustainable set of conditions that recognises the valuable and important work of our staff.

As part of the negotiations underway the University has proposed changes summarised into four key areas:

Improved job security for sessional teaching staff, PhD students and casual professional staff;
Salary increases, including the 3 per cent administrative increase announced on 4 October 2022 (paid from 3 December 2022), and further increases over the life of the agreement;
Equity, diversity, inclusion and flexibility to be achieved by removing gendered language, increasing targets for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment, increasing access to flexible parental leave, and expanding the scope for individual flexibility arrangements for staff; and
Updating the Enterprise Agreement by clarifying sessional rate descriptors that apply to teaching activities and teaching periods, standardising the span of ordinary hours for all non-shift professional staff to provide more flexible options, and amending the current agreement to ensure it complies with new laws and regulations, such as the freedom for staff to choose their own superannuation fund.
The negotiation of our next Enterprise Agreement for academic and professional staff represents an opportunity to create a positive working environment that will benefit our staff and enable us to deliver the research, education and operational outcomes and contributions outlined in Impact 2030.