University of Central Florida: UCF’s Limbitless Solutions Named as a Global Finalist for the 2022 .ORG Impact Awards


Limbitless Solutions has been named a finalist in the fourth annual .ORG Impact Awards. The global awards program is hosted by the Public Interest Registry (PIR) to celebrate inspiring mission-driven organizations and leaders from around the globe that create a positive impact in their communities.

Limbitless Solutions is one of five finalists in the Health and Healing category and was recognized for its approach to address the need for affordable, multi-gesture bionic prosthetics for children through innovative technology.

Over 900 submissions — a record number —were reviewed and scored by a panel of judges who are leaders in the Internet, nonprofit and marketing sectors. Winners in the award categories, including the prestigious .ORG of the Year, will be announced at the .ORG Impact Awards celebration on Nov. 15. Award winners will be eligible for donations up to $45,000 of the total prize awards of $105,000. Each category winner will receive $10,000, and the .ORG of the Year winner — selected from the seven category award winners — will receive an additional donation of $35,000. All nominations were required to be tied to an active website with a .ORG domain.

“The 2022 .ORG Impact Awards finalists represent the best of humanity. They are devoted to addressing the most critical issues facing society today,” says Jon Nevett, president and CEO of PIR in a recent press release. “We are thrilled to have the privilege of recognizing some of today’s most inspiring champions for change — those who are working to increase access to healthcare and education, championing diversity, supporting those in poverty, tackling climate change and much more. The work of these organizations illustrates the power of those who have committed to creating a more healthy, equitable and sustainable world for all.”

Based at the University of Central Florida (UCF), Limbitless provides hands-on learning experiences for undergraduate students across multiple disciplines to advance its system of bionic devices and training platforms. Using 3D printing and in-house manufacturing, Limbitless develops and advances the bionic arms, reducing the weight and cost compared to traditional devices.

“We are honored to be named a global finalist for the .ORG Impact Awards,” says Albert Manero ’12 ’14MS ’16PhD, Limbitless Solutions president and co-founder. “This recognition is a true testament to our hardworking staff, faculty and students who are pushing the boundaries of the next generation of bionics. We look forward to continuing to scale our impact and one day deliver arms to individuals around the globe.”

Limbitless Solutions partners with hospitals nationally to conduct clinical trials to evaluate the functionality and the effect of its upper-limb prosthetics on quality of life, how children’s brains develop using prosthetics, and the role of video game-based training for learning more complex bionic controls. The training uniquely leverages video games by converting muscle flexing into the character’s actions and is led by UCF faculty members Matt Dombrowski ’05 ’08MFA with UCF’s School of Visual Arts and Design and Peter Smith ’05MS ’12PhD with UCF’s Nicholson School of Communication and Media.

Participants also personalize their bionic arm by customizing interchangeable magnetic “sleeves” as tools for their personal expression. Powered by philanthropy and corporate partnerships, Limbitless provides these arms to children at no cost to their families. A recent transition to a larger facility enabled Limbitless to scale production, increase the undergraduate workforce development participation, and develop a new program to include bionic arms for adults.