Siberian Federal University: Food Security Technologies Are Under Development In SibFU Gastropark


Scientists working at Gastronomic R&D Park under Priority 2030 program presented their developments in the field of food engineering. They are aimed at strengthening food security and technological sovereignty of Russia.

The staff of Bioluminescent Biotechnologies Laboratory presented several research projects. They proved that dietary buckwheat has a positive life expectancy effect on experimental animals, and now they plan to test this hypothesis in relation to the human body. Another scientific article is devoted to the development of a biosensor for rapid assessment of the quality and contamination of food products. In their third study, the biophysicists research the effect of various pesticides on agricultural crops, and subsequently on the human body.

“The scientists of multiple fields got additional opportunities for experiments and practical application of scientific results thanks to Gastropark. New scientific priorities have emerged in this regard. For example, we have conducted the experiments on mice under the study of the effect of buckwheat diet on the activity of sirtuin (the hormone of longevity) in order to understand the mechanisms of life extension, but creating new dietary approaches is the goal now. We earlier studied the effect of organophosphates on the glow of bacteria, and now we understand that this is important for assessing the contamination of products with pesticides and insecticides and creating new mechanisms for protecting plants from harmful substances. We have started developing portable biosensor devices with high sensitivity for these purposes that will allow us to easily and quickly determine the quality of tomatoes, for example. Anyone will be able to pinch 5 mg from a tomato, make sure it is ecologically compatible with the help of a biotest and immediately use it in a salad. Thus, the Gastropark project solves a broader problem than one can imagine,” said Valentina Kratasyuk, professor of SibFU School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology.

School of Engineering Physics and Radio Electronics has developed high-power lamps with a variable spectrum that will affect the speed and quality of seedlings. The lamps will be used on an automated multi-tier shelving system for growing plants (university vertical farm). A patent application for this technology is currently being considered.

“A unique means of lighting of plants in a protected environment has been developed specifically for Gastro Park, which can be used for growing seedlings of vegetables or flowers in home or industrial conditions. The uniqueness of the lamp lies in its variable spectrum, which allows choosing an individual lighting program for plants. At the moment, large—scale photobiological experiments using these lamps are planned,” noted Maxim Molokeev, associate professor, School of Engineering Physics and Radio Electronics of SibFU.

In addition, School of Space and Information Technology has developed a program for controlling the module for automated correction of the acidity of the nutrient solution and a program for controlling the node for automated control of the parameters of the nutrient solution in a hydroponic installation.

“The programs and hardware complexes being developed allow you to automatically control the hydroponic installation. The developed hardware and software complex, after a series of experiments in the city-farming laboratory of Gastro Park, will become the first experience of technology transfer for the modernization of industrial hydroponic installations,” said Anton Khantimirov, graduate student of SibFU School of Space and Information Technology.

“The developed programs will help to save the user of the city farm from the constant need to check and configure the hydroponic system, which will facilitate the work and improve the quality of the plants grown. For example, automation is able to independently regulate the constantly changing parameters of the nutrient solution: the level of the solution, the concentration of nutrients, the acid-base balance,” says Sergey Trepuz, a graduate student of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University.

Natalia Bakhova, head of Gastronomic R&D Park, stressed that Gastropark within the framework of the Priority 2030 Project was designed as an interdisciplinary platform for collective use, allowing to synchronize fundamental research and applied research practices in the field of urban farming to obtain breakthrough technologies for their further commercialization and training of highly qualified scientific personnel in areas of food engineering.

“The relevance of the project is determined by the environmental doctrine of food security in Russia, as well as intensive agricultural production, stable growth of the food market and the demand for local industries. Today, government agencies tend to introduce scientific results into real practice more, which accelerates the introduction of a specific product to the market. The involvement of specialists from various fields (biotechnologists, IT technologists, agronomists, engineers, gastronomists, molecular biologists, etc.) makes it possible to implement applied projects for city farming, agar and restaurant sectors of the economy at the Gastropark site. The results of research and innovation activities receive patent protection and will subsequently be transferred under a license agreement to Russian and foreign organizations in the field of urban farming,” noted Natalia Bakhova.

It should be noted that on October 11, 2022, the Gastro Forum will start — the first Russian gastronomic forum organized as part of the implementation of the strategic project Gastronomic R&D Park and the development program of Siberian Federal University for 2021-2030. Experts and professionals in the gastronomy and hospitality industry can become participants of the forum.