Siberian Federal University: Start of the Competitions for Humanities Students as part of the Priority 2030 program


As part of the Digital Humanities Research Institute strategic project, four competitions of student projects in the field of digital media content creation were announced at once.

Siberia in Digits — creation of media products related to the historical and cultural heritage of the Yenisey Siberia.
Virtual World — a competition for the creation of a student research laboratory of virtual and augmented reality.
Digital City — a competition of research projects for the study of urban space in the digital environment.
DH-ART — creation of media projects at the intersection of web design and contemporary art.
Applications deadline is 10 November 2022. Submit your application to [email protected]. Additional information: +7(391) 206-26-87.

The participating creative teams may have from three to ten people. The results of the contests will be summed up at the end of November.

The winners will have the opportunity to purchase equipment and software necessary for the implementation of the project in the amount of up to 200 thousand roubles, as well as receive an expert review of their project.