University of Birmingham: University of Birmingham Business School is first to sign Menopause Workplace Pledge


Women over 50 are the fastest-growing demographic in the workplace. But research has shown that 10% of women leave their jobs and many more are reducing their hours or passing up promotions because of their menopausal symptoms. Three in four women experience menopause symptoms and one in four have severe symptoms.

Signing the Menopause Workplace Pledge on World Menopause Day, 18 October 2022, the University of Birmingham Business School has committed to making their organisation a supportive and understanding place for staff and students going through menopause including by:

Recognising that menopause can be an issue in the workplace and women need support
Talking openly, positively, and respectfully about menopause, which has already begun with the launch of Menopause cafes
Actively supporting and informing your employees affected by menopause
We are proud to sign the Menopause Workplace Pledge. The pledge confirms Birmingham Business School’s commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where all students and staff feel respected, supported, and valued.”
Dr Liza Jabbour – Birmingham Business School
The University of Birmingham Business School has a long tradition of supporting businesses to act more responsibly through their research, and are proud to take the lead as a responsible and supportive workplace for all staff.

Signing the pledge builds on the School’s existing research on the experience of older women in the workplace, including how employers can help prevent menopause discrimination.

Dr Liza Jabbour, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion lead for the School, said: “We are proud to sign the Menopause Workplace Pledge. The pledge confirms Birmingham Business School’s commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where all students and staff feel respected, supported, and valued. The Menopause Workplace Pledge will become one of the central pillars of our Responsible Business Values and as such is already reflected in the research of the School. The Menopause Workplace Pledge will play an important role in the School’s continuous effort to promote gender equality and to develop the career of women in higher education, as recognised by our Athena Swan Bronze Award.”