Training programme for members of newly registered Cooperatives held at Ramban



RAMBAN : Cooperative Department today organized one-day training cum awareness programme for members of newly registered cooperatives, here at Community hall Maitra Ramban as a part of Jan Abhiyan B2V4.

Deputy Registrar Cooperative Societies Ramban, Priyanka Sharma presided over the training programme which was attended by Assistant Registrars, Senior Auditor, staff members & members of Cooperatives as well as Cooperative Societies.

Major focus of the programme was to explain the members of newly registered Cooperatives regarding the both J&K Cooperative Societies Act , 1989 as well as Self Reliant Act , 1999 , role & responsibilities of the Cooperative Department, its working, its Achievements, the Financial Accounting & Departmental Audit etc.

Assistant Registrar Block Ramban explained in detail about the new schemes of the department like Yuva Sehkar, Ayushman Sehakar, Food processing unit, Computerization of PACS etc. Besides this, the Inspector gave a detailed overview of the department & the Sub Auditor explained how to maintain Ledger, Cash books, Accounts Membership Register etc.

At the end, Training Certificates were also distributed among the participants by DRCS Ramban along with ARCS. The programme ended with the vote of thanks by the Deputy Registrar.