Harper Adams University: Dairy Calf Rearing event set to share knowledge with farmers


So the School of Sustainable Food and Farming, at Harper Adams University, is inviting farmers and other interested parties to join a knowledge exchange event on November 9, to hear from a range of researchers and hands-on experts.

“Dairy Youngstock Management – The key to everything” will share information from Harper Adams University, Innovation for Agriculture, The University of Nottingham Veterinary School and Aarhus University (Denmark), while also hearing from a Cheshire dairy farmer who has taken a strategic approach to managing their calf rearing.

“Calves and heifers are the future of the dairy herd, yet research and experience suggest that more needs to be done to ensure that rearing systems on farms are achieving optimal growth rates, meeting targets for age at first calving, and reducing ill health and mortality to improve the welfare of youngstock. Doing things better should lead to greater efficiency, profitability and improved job satisfaction for producers,” a spokesman said.

The event seeks to identify aspects of calf rearing that farmers still need help with; what needs to be done to make progress; and to offer support and encouragement on bringing about meaningful change. The event will be informative and relevant for farmers and farm advisors right across the dairy industry.

Overall, the aim of the event is to motivate and equip dairy producers with the knowledge and skills to improve their business and ensure a sustainable future for the sector.