DFCO Kishtwar conducts massive market checking



KISHTWAR : To regulate sale of High Risk Food including sweets, gift items post Diwali festival, Food Safety Department (DFCO) today intensified Market Checking here in the Kishtwar town.

The team of Food Safety, comprising Food Safety Officer, Prethipal Singh and Field worker Shamem Akhtar monitored the post festival scenario in the market when usually substandard items are sold.

To ensure sale of safe, quality, Hygienic, pure and fresh Food items to the Consumers, the team inspected the establishments covered under the FSS Act. The team on found 03 samples of Indian Sweets suspicious and lifted the same for analysis under Eat Right Challenge 2 category 18.1 under the Act.

All the categories of the shops selling commodities including sweets , bakery, milk & milk products, kiryana products, Fruits & vegetables, beverages and fast-food covered under the Act were extensively inspected and checked thoroughly.

Meanwhile, strict instructions were also issued to the dealers and allied FPOs including restaurants, Tea Stalls, Eatery points, Itinerants to display their license, registrations & rate lists at the prominent places of their establishments and follow Hygienic practices including sanitation of the premises & personal Hygiene.

Meanwhile, more than 20 KG rotten & unfit fruits, vegetables, bakery & sweets were destroyed on the spot with the consent of the erring vendors. All the business dealers who deal with the sale of perishable items were asked to keep the food items covered & under appropriate recommended temperatures.