Ural Federal University: Students Learn How to Build a Career in the Metaverse


The Ural Federal University will host the Career in the Metaverse youth conference. On October 28-30, experts from leading IT companies (Tinkoff, Kontur, Ural Center for Security Systems, and UDV), representatives of the university, and the Ministry of Digital Development will share current insights on career opportunities in the augmented reality world.

On Friday, October 28, the participants will have an educational part: a lecture on artificial intelligence in the meta universe, a public talk about labor market trends, an IT lecture and master classes in four tracks: business, cybersecurity, education, and technology.

On weekends, October 29-30, a hackathon will be held: 24 hours will be set aside for solving cases from partner companies. The winners will receive an invitation to an internship.

“You can take part in the conference in person and online. The pros of face-to-face participation are getting an NFC badge, seeing NFT paintings, playing in VR glasses – and that’s just a small part of it. The pros of online are IT insights with delivery anywhere in the universe,” the organizers noted.