Ural Federal University: University Students to Undergo Internships at the Hermitage


Students of the Department of Art History and Museum Studies at the Ural Federal University’s Institute of Humanities will undergo a summer internship at the State Hermitage Museum. The university specialists call the country’s main museum the number one training ground for restorers. The trilateral agreement was signed by Elvira Symanyuk, Director of the Institute of Humanities at Ural Federal University, Mikhail Piotrovsky, General Director of the State Hermitage Museum, and Nikita Korytin, Director of the Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts.

“Internships at our museum are not easy. Nevertheless, Ekaterinburg offered us a good plan and an elaborate project, which we accepted, to train a new generation of repository workers and restorers,” noted Piotrovsky immediately after the signing ceremony.

According to the document, the Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts is ready to coordinate the participants of the museum practice, while the university assumes a large organizational part.

“I am certain that the students will gain invaluable experience in communicating with representatives of the scientific staff of the State Hermitage Museum and the curators of collections. The internships will cover a huge layer of the museum’s work so that the graduates will understand all its specifics and realize the importance and peculiarities of different areas of this activity,” Symanyuk emphasizes.

The signing took place at the start of the Hermitage Days in the Urals, which included a large program of events.