Siberian Federal University: IV International Conference — Mediation in Education: Socio-Cultural Context


On 14 October, 2022, the opening ceremony of the IV Mediation in Education: Socio-Cultural Context International Conference took place at Siberian Federal University. The event is held by School of Education, Psychology and Sociology with the assistance of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Support of Scientific Activities.

”SibFU has organized four conferences so far. Despite the fact that the previous two conferences were held online, it is a pleasure that the professional community continues to gather and the conference is growing in scale. Though SibFU has predominantly technical fields of education, it is very significant for us to preserve and support humanitarian fields as well,” said Ruslan Baryshev, vice-rector for research, SibFU.

The first day of the conference is dedicated to plenary sessions on mediation in education at all levels, as well as to workshops, where online mediation as a new post-pandemic format will be particularly considered.

On 15 October, two sessions are scheduled to work: Mediation as a Resource for the Development of Human Ecology and Problems and Prospects for Online Mediation Development. In addition, a round table Problems of Professional Training of Mediators will be held. A special school session My Experience of Participating in the School Reconciliation Service will take place in the meet-up format on the second day of the conference.

Guests, scientists and students of School of Education, Psychology and Sociology will make speeches on the prevention of deviant behavior; they will talk about emotional intelligence as a factor of effective interaction among high school students. They will update scientific developments in work with teachers and parents within the School of Friendly Relations social project and exchange views on the psychological and pedagogical support of younger adolescents at school.

“I would like to note the consistently high level of organization of the conference, the professional attitude of the invited speakers. It is very valuable that the organizers of this event see the point in combining practical experience and theory. For example, we are practitioners and conduct mediation in Krasnoyarsk. This is very important as mediation is now used in various fields, for example, couples who try to find out with whom the children will live after the divorce of their parents, or commercial and business disputes. The importance of mediation has increased in bank disputes over credit debts, as well as in labor disputes,” explained Olga Dryannykh, head of the Mediation Center of Krasnoyarsk.

The guest of the conference, Anastasia Arkhipkina, head of the Baikal Mediators League Association, outlined the uniqueness of the Krasnoyarsk conference: “Here you can get an understanding of how practice develops, because practical mediators are here. And, due to the fact that SibFU has a corresponding master’s program, very good theoretical insights are laid out, a scientific foundation, which is certainly necessary for the development of certain institutions in society. A special perspective of this conference is focused on socio-cultural aspects, which is a unique issue.”

The important objective of the conference is to integrate the results of the work of foreign and Russian specialists in the field of mediation and digital transformation, as well as to exchange of experience and ideas.