University of São Paulo: Former USP students are honored for their contributions to society


On October 27, the award ceremony for the first edition of the USP Alumni Award was held, which recognizes graduates of the University for their careers in different areas of professional activity and contributions to society.

“We only cared about students while they were students, but the importance of graduates for the evolution of the University is increasingly clear. Graduates must remain connected to the institution, contributing to improve the University and sharing experiences with younger students”, said Dean Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior.

The coordinator of the USP Alumni Office, Maria Helena Palucci Marziale, explained that “our intention, in creating this award, was to honor these professionals who make us so proud and increase dialogue, bringing our graduates closer to USP”.

In all, this first edition of the award received 428 entries, divided into six categories: Contributions in Science and Technology (108 entries), Contributions in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (65 entries); Contributions in Art and Culture (41 entries); Contributions to Environmental Sustainability (62 entries); Contributions to People’s Quality of Life (33 entries) and Contributions to Human Relations and Social Inclusion (69 entries).

Outstanding alumni
The USP Alumni Award will be offered annually to graduates who have graduated from USP’s undergraduate and graduate courses for more than ten years, and who have distinguished themselves during their professional career, in Brazil or abroad.

The award is divided into six categories: Contributions to people’s quality of life; Contributions to human relationships and social inclusion; Contributions to environmental sustainability; Contributions to innovations and entrepreneurship; Contributions in art and culture; and Contributions in science and technology. The winners of each category receive a certificate and a decorative medal.

Category: Contributions to people’s quality of life
Awarded: Manuela Berto Pucca
Master and post-doctorate in Basic and Applied Immunology from the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto (FMRP), coordinates the Snakebite Roraima group, which deals with themes about Ophidism. The initiative takes care to remote and indigenous populations and trains professionals in the area. Currently, the program is dedicated to decentralizing antivenoms and developing alternative treatments in remote areas.

Honorable Mention: Rogério José de Azevedo Meirelles
Graduated in Physical Education, Master from the School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto (EERP), and PhD from the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto (FMRP), he was the mentor of the Community Integration Program (PIC), that took sports activities to squares, community centers, companies, schools and churches.

Category: Contributions to human relations and social inclusion
Awarded: Raquel da Silva Barros
Graduated in psychology and has a master’s degree from the Instituto de Psicologia (IP), she has worked for over 30 years with people and communities in vulnerable conditions and is currently a professor of Social Psychology at the Centro Universitário Facens. She was the creator of the Lua Nova shelter, which has already served more than 3,500 mothers and children, and created the Musas Connection project, which welcomes women in vulnerable situations, transforming their lives through income and housing projects.

Honorable Mention: Cid Torquato
Graduated from the Faculty of Law (FD), he carried out programs and public policies. He was Municipal Secretary for Persons with Disabilities in São Paulo (2017-2020) and advisor to the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (Conade). In 2019, he received the São Paulo State Prize for the Arts, for creating the Festival Sem Barreiras.

Category: Contributions to environmental sustainability
Awarded: Luis Fernando Guedes Pinto
Graduated, master and doctor in Agronomy from Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” (Esalq), he is executive director of Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica and has worked for more than 25 years with the sustainability of Brazilian agriculture and conservation. of the forests. He participated in the creation of the Sustainable Agriculture Network and the Rainforest Alliance seal. He also has several contributions with universities in several countries.

Honorable mention: Neiva Maria Robaldo Guedes
Master in Forestry Sciences from the Higher School of Agriculture “Luiz de Queiroz” (Esalq), created the Blue Macaw Project, in 1999, which studies and promotes the conservation of the great hyacinth macaw in the Pantanal. In 2003, he founded Instituto Arara Azul, a reference in the field of conservation.

Category: Contributions to Innovations and Entrepreneurship
Awarded (tie): Marcelo Victor Pires de Sousa
Master and PhD in Physics from the Physics Institute (IF), with a focus on Neurophysics. He made a contribution in the area of ​​photoneuromodulation, with the creation of Light-aid, developed and supplied by Bright Photomedicine, enabling the treatment of 1,200 patients with chronic pain. The company promotes products and technologies using low-intensity lasers, without side effects and at low cost. The project received a nomination for the MIT Innovators Under 35 and ranked 18th at Inovativa 2014.

Awarded (tie): Mona das Neves Oliveira
Doctor in Biochemistry from the Institute of Chemistry (IQ), founded Biolinker, a pioneering company in Biotechnology focused on recombinant proteins. The company receives international attention and, this year, carried out its first exports to an Italian company. She has received awards such as Finep for Innovative Women and Hello Tomorrow in Paris.

Category: Contributions in art and culture
Awarded: Ligia Amadio
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Escola Politécnica (Poli), she was principal conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra of Rio de Janeiro. In addition to her activities as conductor, she manages the teams and is responsible for the numerous operations of the orchestras. She was awarded by the São Paulo Association of Art Critics in the category “Best Conductor of the Year”, in 2002, and named “Best Conductor” by the Carlos Gomes Award, in 2012.

Honorable mention: André Henrique Ferreira
Graduated in Electrical Engineering from Escola Politécnica (Poli), he started working in musical theater with wheelchair users, with shows that provide inclusion and respect for the community. Among his accomplishments, he participated in the musical Noturno Cadeirantes, from the Mix Menestréis Project, which enabled the inclusion of people with and without disabilities in the cast.

Category: Contributions in science and technology
Awarded: Juliana Marotti Grosshausen
Graduated, master and doctor in the area of ​​dental prosthesis by the Faculty of Dentistry (FO), she carried out a research that resulted in the fabrication of a dental ultrasound prototype, with the purpose of replacing dental radiography and avoiding ionizing radiation when patient. She was also a pioneer in Brazil in research into the treatment of cold sores with laser, using photodynamic therapy, which is painless and inexpensive.

Honorable mention: Gustavo Mendes Lima Santos
Graduated in Biochemical Pharmacy from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto (FCFRP), he worked on the front line of Anvisa’s General Management of Medicines and Biological Products, managing the team responsible for the analysis and evaluation of vaccines at Anvisa. Covid-19. He currently holds the position of Research Scientist at the International Vaccines Institute (IVI), in addition to serving as a member of the Product Development for Vaccines Advisory Committee (PDVAC), helping to address the global public health crisis.

USP Alumni Program
The USP Alumni Program was created in 2018 with the purpose of establishing a contact network aimed at former USP students. The program is the responsibility of the USP Alumni Office, which has an Executive Council made up of professors appointed by the Dean’s Office and by the Undergraduate and Graduate Dean’s Offices, in addition to a representative of the Information Technology Superintendence (STI) and a representative of the alumni category that is part of the University Council.

Among its responsibilities, the program coordinates the Alumni USP platform, which enables the registration of former students and the collection of information from graduates and offers them opportunities, such as the alumni.usp email, access to University resources, with other students, advantages and announcements of job vacancies, continuing education, among others.

In March 2022, the platform reached the mark of 100 thousand registered users and, today, this number exceeds 106 thousand.