DC B’gam reviews winter stock position; takes on spot assessment of availability of essential commodities in various towns

Visited FCIs, PDD workshops, Receiving stations, Hospitals



BUDGAM : The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Budgam, S F Hamid today took stock of the availability of essential commodities in the district.

He visited various FCI Godowns, PDD workshops, receiving stations, and took on-spot assessment of availability of essential commodities in various areas of the district.

While taking first hand appraisal of availability of food grains, the DC was apprised that Godowns are stocked with sufficient stock of Rice and wheat in the District during winter

The DC directed for smooth and timely dispatch of food grains to concerned sale outlets across the district. He directed Officers of FCS&CA to ensure that adequate quantity of wheat and Rice and other essential commodities are maintained and to create a buffer to cushion the winter season.

He also directed officers to keep strict watch on prices of essential commodities and to implement “Essential commodities Act” in letter and spirit so as to curb hoarding.

The DC directed officials of FCS&CA to chest pond rate list of all essential commodities on each sale centre so that common people won’t suffer for lack of knowledge about current rates.

PDD authorities were strictly instructed to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply to all areas during winter season, besides directions were given for maintaining adequate buffer stock of transformers, and prompt repairing of damaged ones for general public.

The DC emphasized that schedule supply of electricity to be ensured in all areas with minimum curtailments .

Further, he took on spot assessment of availability of essential commodities in various towns, areas and markets. He stressed for cleanliness and installation of dustbins at market places.

The DC directed shopkeepers of the concerned area to declare rates of their stocks and to chest pond their rate list outside of their shops so as to check hoarding.

He emphasized on smooth supply of LGP to consumers and availability of fuel including petrol and diesel at all petrol pumps of Budgam during cold season.

He also visited various Sub- District Hospitals and took stock of the facilities available at the hospital. He interacted with the patients to know the availability of doctors, medicines and other facilities.The DC directed the officials to ensure that every employee attends to the duties with punctuality.

In order to mitigate winter related public issues, the DC directed SDMs of all divisions to establish control room at the sub divisional level on 24×7.

Already, a 24×7 Control room has been established at DC office complex Budgam where people can raise their issues telephonically for prompt redressal, added DC .

In the evening a dry run of all the machinery was also held to check readiness to be prepared for any eventuality.

The DC was accompanied by Executive Engineer PDD, AEE Mechanical, AD FCS&CA& Budgam, SDMs, SDPOs, Tehsildars and other district and sectoral officers.