Vigilance Awareness Workshop held at DC Office Srinagar

Social stigmatisation, citizen participation must to weed out corruption: DC



SRINAGAR : In connection with ongoing Vigilance Awareness Week, the Anti–Corruption Bureau in collaboration with District Administration Srinagar Saturday organized a daylong Workshop cum Vigilance Awareness Programme in the Meeting Hall of DC Office Complex here with a view to spread awareness and promote good governance amongst employees.

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz Asad was the Chief Guest on the occasion.

SSP, Anti–Corruption Bureau, Abdul Waheed Shah; Additional District Development Commissioner, Zahoor Ahmad Mir; Additional Deputy Commissioner, District Vigilance Officer Srinagar Dr Syed Haneef Balkhi; SP Headquarters, Arif Amin; SP ACB, Zahoor Ahmad Wani; Chief Planning Officer, Mohammad Yaseen Lone; Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Raies Ahmad; SDM East/West, all District/Zonal Officers, Tehsildars, All Patwaries, besides other senior official of ACB were present in the programme.

At the outset, the participants were given a detailed PowerPoint presentation on corruption and its impacts on society.

Addressing the workshop, the Chief Guest, Mohammad Aijaz Asad appreciated the Anti-Corruption Bureau(ACB) for organizing ) workshop cum awareness programme titled “Corruption Free India for Developed Nation” at DC Office for sensitization of Government employees and citizens.

The DC said governance reforms are pivotal for corruption free society and various Reform measures have been taken during recent past through technological interventions like BEAMS, DBT, Empowerment App, online Revenue Services, etc. to ensure accountable, transparent and corruption free Governance Architecture so that benefits of Government schemes percolate to genuine beneficiaries and payments are transferred to Vendors without any intermediary.

The DC also underscored that citizens participation is imperative in eradication of corrupt practices at all levels and people must also be made aware about the ill effects of corruption and reformative measures need to be taken to end such anti-poor, anti-development and anti-economic activity.

He also highlighted non-monetary kinds of corruption like food adulteration, spurious medicines, black marketing and steps to be taken by the concerned Departments.

The DC called upon the officers/officials to maintain integrity, transparency, accountability and justice at all levels while implementing government schemes so that people do not face any inconvenience. He urged all to work with dedication and honesty and highlighted the role of education in inculcating moral, ethical values so that newer generations can imbibe values of integrity.

Earlier, SSP, Anti-Corruption Bureau in his speech gave a detailed lecture on different aspects of ACB and evil effects of corruption in governance. He laid stress on working in coordinated manner in fighting against the menace of corruption and highlighted the role/responsibility of the government servants in weeding out the corruption from the society.

He also sensitized the participants about the functioning of the Anti-Corruption Bureau and how to weed out Corruption from the system.

During the workshop, ADC, Srinagar, SP ACB, CPO, Srinagar also spoke on the ill effects of corruption and measures required to be taken to end it.