Technical University of Denmark: 65 startups meet 100 investors


DTU Startup Day is an annual event which brings together the next generation of technological entrepreneurs and companies on the startup scene at and around DTU.

Over 500 participants, including +100 investors, attended the event, which took place on Thursday, November 3, at DTU’s innovation hub DTU Skylab. The event attracted a large crowd from the start, when the doors opened at 9:30.

65 startups from the early-stage programs Skylab Ignite and DTU X-Tech as well as research-based spinouts and participants from the Danish Tech Challenge, which is Denmark’s leading accelerator for hardware startups, participated with presentation stands spread over three exhibition halls.

DTU Skylab buzzed with life throughout the day, interrupted by three panel-sessions with conversations between investors and entrepreneurs, and four pitch rounds where the many startups presented their concepts.

Three awards
The day ended with awards for the day’s best pitches. In the Danish Tech Challenge pitch round, the first prize went to the startup company Pinkorange and their design of products that focus on improving the lives of women and marginalized groups.

The BioInnovation Institute Sten Scheibye Innovation Award, which was presented for the first time, went to the startup Uvisa Health, which has developed an effective alternative to the medical treatment of bacterial and fungal infections. The BioInnovation Institute is one of the leading life science incubators in the Nordics.

Keystone’s Pitch Award went to the startup For i Four, which has developed a software solution that saves energy and reduces the CO2 emissions of ventilation systems by up to 20 percent.