Wageningen University & Research: High scores for Wageningen studies in Life Sciences and Social Sciences


Wageningen University & Research study programs once again score well in the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking. Study programs within the Life Sciences category are among the best in the world, and studies in Physical Sciences and Social Sciences have risen several places. THE’s rankings include nearly 1,800 universities.

THE presents two publications each year: an overall ranking (World University Rankings) and one looking at various subfields (THE ranking by subject). The first was released in mid-October: WUR ranked 59th, making it the best university in the Netherlands. The second publication ranks universities by subject. Compared to last year, WUR rises in the categories Social Sciences and Physical Sciences .

Subject 2022 2023
Life Sciences 19 20
Physical Sciences 71 68
Clinical & health 80 101-125
Social Sciences 57 51
Engineering & Technology 97 97
The highest ranking achieved by WUR is still within the Life Sciences domain, with a 20th place. That is one place lower than last year. In the Clinical & health category, WUR drops from 80th place to shared spots 101-125. The position in the Engineering & Technology category did not change: spot 97. It is also notable that Chinese universities continue to rise in THE’s rankings.

Millions of citations
The rankings are based on 13 indicators, divided into four areas: education, research, knowledge transfer and international perspective. This year, for example, THE analyzed more than 121 million citations worldwide. This ranking is largely based on the same indicators used for the THE World University Rankings.