Arrangements for 2nd Edition of ‘My Town My Pride’ programme discussed at Reasi



REASI : To discuss the arrangements for the smooth conduct of the second edition of My Town My Pride program in the district, Deputy Commissioner, Reasi Babila Rakwal convened a meeting of officers and members of MC here at Conference Hall DC Office Complex.

At the outset, the Deputy Commissioner reviewed the preparatory measures being made by different line departments. She asked the officers of all the departments to participate and make the two day drive a people friendly and impressionable event.

She informed that Melas will be organised where each department will put up a stall to spread awareness among people regarding various welfare schemes.

The DC said that all the line departments will depute senior officers for the two day Urban outreach programme. She said that Visiting Officers, along with other officers would inspect the ongoing works taken up by different departments. The CMO and CEO were directed to visit schools and inspect health infra in the health institutions.

ADDC Jyoti Salathia; PO, ICDs, Anwar Bandey; ACR, Sanjay Badyal; ACD, Anirudh Rai; LMO, DSWO, ALC besides other District Officers along with Chairman Municipal and Councilors were present in the meeting.