National Legal Services Day was celebrated at GCW Anantnag



ANANTNAG : The District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Anantnag in collaboration with District Administration Anantnag today celebrated National Legal Services Day at Government College for Women Anantnag, here.

The programme was organised under the guidance of Chairman District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Anantnag, Naseer Ahmad Dar.

On the occasion, Aadil Mustaq Banday incharge CJM Anantnag attended the celebration of National Legal Services Day as Chief Guest.

The Chief Guest, CJM Anantnag stated that it is the constitutional right of every one to get free legal aid at the expenses of the government. The Legal Services Authority Act puts that concept into practicality. The said aid ensures that the opportunity of being heard is given to everyone. If a person is not in position to law a claim or defense because of financial constraints, and other disabilities. The Legal Services Authority Act gives voice to such weaker persons so that it does not become an impediment to such a person in getting justice.

On the occasion, Secretary DLSA Anantnag Mir Wajahat delivered a lecture on the importance and role of District Legal Services Authorities and Tehsil Legal Services Committees. He highlighted the importance of the concepts of free legal aid, prelitigation, mediation, conciliations and arbitration and importance of the day to make students as ambassadors of rights of people; privileged or underprivileged .

The students of the women’s colleges Anantnag and other participants were acquainted with the importance of the Legal Services Authorities Act, the National Legal Services Day and the constitutional provisions under the Article 39(1), Article 14 and Article 22 (1) of the constitution of India.

He laid emphasis on providing access to justice to the weaker section of the society, so that they too can get the justice as guaranteed under the constitution of India. The theme of the NALSA song was played and explained by the Secretary DLSA Anantnag.

All the heads of departments within territorial jurisdiction of District Anantnag lead by Deputy Commissioner Anantnag, Dr. Basharat Qayoom were celebrating the Block Diwas While celebrating this day on ground meeting the people at the far flung areas in order to give practical shape to the concept of access to social, economic and political justice to all.

The program was attended by SDM Bijbehara on behalf of District Administration /Incharge Sub Registrar, Assistant Labour Commissioner Anantnag, Principal GCW Anantnag, faculty members and Students of GCW.

The mementos were presented to the dignitaries present on the occasion.

The National Legal Services Day was also celebrated by all the Tehsil Legal Services Committees of Anantnag.