One-day Training/ Workshop on Disaster Management held at Bandipora



BANDIPORA : The District Administration Bandipora today conducted a day-long training cum workshop session on Disaster Management and Incident Response System at mini Secretariat, here.

Ex Senior Consultant NDMA, Maj Gen DR V. K Naik attended the programme as an expert.

Deputy Commissioner Bandipora (DC) Dr. Owais Ahmed was also present on the occasion. Officers from line departments, and Police participated in the event.

On the occasion, Rtd. Major General V.K Naik deliberated upon the role of each department in disaster management and mitigation efforts, role of Incident Response System at District Level.

The consultant highlighted the importance of Incident Response Teams in order to make disaster response smooth and effective.

He stressed on rehearsals and mock drills for a well-established Disaster Management and Response system for mitigating crisis during disaster.

Rtd. Major General, V.K Naik said that the quality disaster response should be comprehensive, effective, swift, well planned, besides, it should be based on a well-conceived response mechanism.

The programme also discussed shortcomings that mars the effective disaster response system.

He said Incident Response System involves creation of Incident Response Teams at district, sub-division and block levels and nominating of Responsible Officer, Incident Commander, Operation Section Chief, Planning Section Chief and Logistic/Finance Section Chief.

The Consultant said that the Incident Response System is meant for coordination among several different agencies. He said Knowledge and training in emergency and disaster preparedness are important in responding effectively.

Deputy commissioner Bandipora, who is also chairman of the District Disaster Management Authority, said that the District Disaster Management Authority has definite roles and plans for different situations. He said the training programme for IRS is meant for providing training cum awareness for first point of contact officers for disaster management.

Among others, ADDC, Afsar Ali Khan; DPO, Mohd Ashraf Hakak; ADC Bandipora, Waseem Raja; ACR, Parvaiz Rahim; ACP, Syed Altaf Hussain Mosavi; Tehsildars, BDOs and officers from civil and police administration were present in the workshop.