Aston University: Aston University and Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust join forces to improve health provision in the city


Aston University and Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust (BWCH) have pledged to work together to address health provision in the city by signing a Memorandum of Understanding to co-develop paediatric health initiatives and the health services workforce of the future to deliver them.

The strategic partnership between the University and BWCH aims to develop the health services workforce of the future together (particularly focusing on course development and delivery, including placements). It will also invest in shared posts that support closer links between academic, education and healthcare provision and support honorary appointments and initiate collaborative projects including joint research, to develop world-leading research and provision in the field of paediatric health and wellbeing.

The partnership will make the most efficient use of resources and reduce duplication by providing a range of shared services, as well as continuously developing new ways to work together, with a view to supporting innovation in the field of healthcare.

These activities will build on the existing joined up work taking place between Aston University and Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, such as shared use of the MRI scanning services in the Aston Institute for Health and Neurodevelopment and joint research projects examining topics including epilepsy in children, eating behaviours and neurodevelopment.

Both organisations are also members of Birmingham Health Partners, the city’s clinical-academic research alliance, which includes maternal health as one as its key strategic focus areas.

Professor Anthony Hilton, pro-vice-chancellor and executive dean of the College of Health and Life Sciences at Aston University, said:

“The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding formalises the existing relationship between our two organisations and represents a strong joint commitment to improving healthcare provision in our city.

“Working collaboratively enables us to bring together world-leading research with outstanding clinical provision, for the benefit of our students, patients accessing BWCH services and our city and region. I look forward to developing the many ways in which our organisations can work together to improve healthcare provision in Birmingham.”

Matthew Boazman, deputy chief executive officer of Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, said:

“The partnership between BWCH and Aston University represents a wonderful opportunity for us to ensure that Birmingham has access to world-class healthcare provision and that those entering the workforce are as ready as they can be.”