Discussions at University of Bremen on threatened fjord ecosystems


The FACE-IT project investigates Arctic fjord systems with a view to the effects of progressive glacial ice loss. From 11/28 to 12/02. the scientists involved meet in Bremen to discuss research results and discuss the future of the project.
On the EU H2020 projectFACE-IT (“The future of Arctic coastal ecosystems – Identifying transitions in fjord systems and adjacent coastal areas”) involves more than 60 scientists from 14 universities and institutes in eight countries. The project is managed by marine botanist Prof. Kai Bischof from the University of Bremen. Biodiversity, ecosystem functions, but also social dimensions such as fishing, the lifestyle of the indigenous population and nature-based tourism in fjords in Greenland, Spitsbergen and Northern Norway are compared.

The marine botany team at the University of Bremen is also involved in FACE-IT with diverse research activities in the Kongsfjord in Svalbard, in the Porsangerfjord in northern Norway and in the Nuup Kangerlua fjord in Greenland. For example, in 2021 the effects of increasing glacier and snow melt and the associated sediment input on the underwater light regime in Kongsfjord and thus on the light availability for seaweed were examined. In experimental approaches, the team continues to investigate the combined effects of changing light climate and increasing temperature on the photosynthesis of arctic macroalgae. Samples will be taken for comparative analyzes of biochemical and genomic profiles of seaweeds from the different fjord systems studied in the FACE-IT project.

As part of this meeting, a public series of lectures will take place, where interested parties will also have the opportunity to talk to the scientists of the FACE-IT project: On November 30th from 4 to 8 p.m. in the Olbers Hall of the House of Science.