New Dean, Faculty of Arts



Aligarh: Prof Arif Nazeer has been appointed as the Dean, Faculty of Arts for a period of two years. He assumed the charge on December 20, Tuesday.

A senior faculty member at the Department of Hindi, Prof Arif served as the Chairman of the Department from 2013 to 2016 and until 2019, he was also the Nodal Officer in the Faculty of Arts to support the Dean in supervising the Internal Quality Assurance Cell related works.

Prof Arif has completed UGC research projects, authored over 10 books, contributed nine chapters in different books and published numerous research papers in peer-reviewed journals.

He has edited a number of journals and has presented papers in various international and national conferences including programmes in Canada, Netherlands, Dubai, France and Australia.

Prof Arif joined AMU as a Lecturer in 1989 and was eventually promoted to the posts of Reader and Professor.

Indian Culture, Medieval Hindi Poetry, Rahim’s Poetry, Bhartendu’s Literature, Functional Hindi, Translation, Bilingual Computerisation and criticism are his thrust areas.