AMU faculty member delivers online keynote address


Aligarh: Professor Sheeba Hamid, Coordinator, Master of Tourism and Travel Management (MTTM), Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University delivered the online keynote address in the “Induction cum Orientation Programme” for the fresh batch of Master of Tourism and Travel Management and B.Voc. (Tourism and Hospitality Management) students of the Department of Tourism Studies, Central University of Kashmir.

She said, “The travel and tourism industry, along with the related sectors contributing to it, is expected to grow in leaps and bounds in the coming years. A job in this industry can be highly exciting and adventurous and even pays well. In India, the travel industry hopes to create 46 million job opportunities by 2025. The government’s initiatives in this field are uncovering a bright future for those who want to make a career in this field.” She further added, “Promotion and employment aspects are bright in this field as of now because not many skilled employees are available”.

She concluded by encouraging fresh entrants to develop digital skills, interpersonal and communication skills, geographical and destination knowledge in order to develop insight in Travel and Tourism.