Kyushu University’s International Students Learn The Art Of Kimono Dressing


On December 5, 2022, about 35 students from JTW (Japan in Today’s World), a short-term study program for international students, attended a kimono workshop at the Ito Guest House on Kyushu University Ito Campus.

Ms. Hosui Yamauchi, a professional instructor of kimono with over 25 years of experience teaching kimono dressing, and Associate Professor Nobuhiro Saito of the Kyushu University International Student Center introduced the beauty of kimono, giving a lecture on the history and culture of kimono followed by a dressing demonstration. The kimono is one of Japan’s most iconic traditional garments, with many variations in color, pattern, style and layering. Kimono dressing is an art in itself that Japanese women once had to spend years training and mastering.

Following the lecture and demonstration, the students adorned their own kimono for a photo session. Although it was the first time for most of them to try on a kimono, they enjoyed the kimono-dressing experience a lot. Some mentioned they would love to wear a kimono or yukata to festivals and tea ceremonies.

Despite the ongoing COVID-19 situation, many new international students enrolled in the fall semester. Though opportunities to experience traditional Japanese culture have become scarcer because of the pandemic, this kimono-dressing event was an excellent chance for students to immerse themselves in Japanese tradition and boost exchange.